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Paper and Cities (UK)

Gruppo Macro Edizioni (IT)

Eretica Edizioni (IT)

Ventura Edizioni (IT)

Futura Newsletter by Corriere della Sera (IT)


APS Burattinificio Mangiafoco (IT)


Nat Geo Traveller India (IN)


Biscuitmoon Design (HK)



Illustration for the digital newsletter "Futura" by Corriere della Sera (2020);


Illustration for the calendar "Il Lunario della Dea" 2021 by Chiara Chiostergi published by Macro Gruppo Editoriale (July 2020);


Illustration for the cover of the book "Il mio mondo a colori", Eretica Edizioni (October 2020);


Collaboration as illustrator for the shop "Paper and Cities" by A on the Road - Alex Zouaghi, London (2020-2022):

  •  Published collections: "Retro Cities Collection" (2022);


Illustration for the cover of the book "Lo scrigno del maestro: 99 racconti zen-siculi", Eretica Edizioni (March 2021);


Illustration for the calendar "Il Lunario della Dea" 2022 by Chiara Chiostergi published by Ventura Edizioni (July 2021);


Illustration and Graphic for APS Burattinificio Mangiafoco (August - September - December 2021);


Illustration for Nat Geo Traveller India  " The year of reunion".   (November-December 2021);


Illustration for the cover of the book "Confessioni di una donna all'amato", Eretica Edizioni (February 2022);


Illustration for the cover of the book "Mani in alto pollo, un giallo natalizio", Eretica Edizioni (April 2022);


Illustration for the cover of the book "Racconti di un futuro passato", Eretica Edizioni (June 2022);


Illustration and Graphic for APS Burattinificio Mangiafoco (July 2022);


Illustrations for a new collection of postcards and posters of Hong Kong, for the shop Biscuitmoon Design, Hong Kong (2022);


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